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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Low Carb Diet Could Be As Important As Your Diabetic Supplies

Gaining control over diabetes is more than handling diabetes supplies well. There is a whole diabetes treatment plan that any person with diabetes should develop and follow. Any treatment plan will be overseen by the skilled healthcare team; however, if looking for extraordinary results, the patient may have to do a little work on his own as well. What is likely to be found is that some of the smallest changes in diet may produce the greatest results. The change to the low carb diet is one such example and works wonders for both diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

For many people, carbohydrates, or carbs as they are commonly referred to, are a confusing topic. There are two general classes of carbs: refined and unrefined. Since the 1950s we have developed a reliance on refined carbs as a staple. Think of these carbs as any food that comes in a package or a box. Examples of these carbs are white breads and flour, white rice, cereal and pasta. Hidden in the term refined carbs is the term refined sugars, certainly something the diabetic wants to avoid. Refined sugars are quickly converted to glucose in the system, which is not good for any body to function at highest potential.

In reality, all carbs will be converted to glucose and will elevate blood sugar. The key is to eliminate those that are clearly bad and incorporate more nutrients which will have a positive impact on the body. Low carb diets are essential for the person with diabetes who wants to do more than rely on diabetic supplies such as lancets and monitors. Seeking a low carb diet is not difficult and the change to can produce some amazing results.

In his recent best seller “The Four Hour Body”, author Tim Ferris discusses how he implanted a real time blood glucose meter into his body to monitor the effects of different foods on his blood glucose levels. Through self-experimentation Ferris wanted to put to the test which foods actually raise, lower and stabilize blood glucose levels. Much to his surprise, drinking lemon juice before meals had the most positive effect on blood glucose levels from all the foods tried, including balsamic vinegar. In the experiment, Ferris found that drinking 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice before meals reduced the effect of food on blood glucose levels by having the ability to stabilize blood glucose levels just before eating. The end result is a lower likelihood of gaining weight, stable blood glucose levels and less stress on the body at eating time

Following the low carb diet requires discipline as it mandates that there are no white carbohydrates, fruits, dairy or sugar of any kind. Instead, a meal regimen of beans (black beans, lentils or red kidney beans) provides “friendly carbohydrates” followed by greens, preferably spinach, and protein. There is no need to count calories as one simply eats until full. Ideally, if breakfast can start off with 30 grams of protein it is an effective way to lose weight. The boredom of a low carb eating regimen is offset on the seventh day in which any food, including white carbohydrates can be eaten. Ferris suggests that not only does this help keep one on the low carb regimen; it is healthy for the body to eat the “forbidden” foods as it keeps it guessing and replenishes certain vitamins.

While diabetics must pay close attention to what foods are eaten on the seventh day, especially those high in sugar, the low carb diet can be an effective way to lose weight, combat diabetes and go on to lead a long, healthy and productive life.

Jeffrey E. Feldberg is one of the founders of Total Health Diabetes, LLC and the Co-Chairman. Jeffrey’s passion for healthy living, being an early pioneer of e-Learning, and being submersed in technology, has culminated in an unique approach to provide the tools, Information and products necessary to help diabetics lead long, healthy and vibrant lives. Total Health Diabetes, a Medicare Competitive Bid winner in 8 of the 9 regions, also services all non-competitive bid markets and is committed to providing a full line of diabetics supplies that are accessible online and conveniently delivered to people’s homes across the country. Jeffrey can be reached at (407) 767-5907 or email him at

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