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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alkaline Diet Cancer

I'm fortunate enough to find the key element to a healthy life. This is the best kept secret doctors have been hiding from us all along. Why are we lead to believe there is no cure for cancer? The truth of the matter is Health Care Industries can't make money if no one is sick. I'm here to tell you the steps of becoming a healthier you. Get your pencil and paper ready!

Most people are still under the impression that if you're sick, you take a pill. Get out of that mind set and re-teach yourself. Stop being a slave to medicine and medical researchers. It's time to upgrade your system and take a different approach! An alkaline diet is very beneficial in fighting many diseases apart from cancer. So, whether your seeking to impede the growth of cancer or simply searching for a healthier diet than your at the right place.

Starting with the basics... It's critical to understand how our body works. The first thing you should know is that pH is measured on a scale of 1-14; 6 or below being acidic, 7 neutral, and 8 or above being alkaline. With that being said, diseases cannot live in an alkaline body! Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.

Example: Sugar is a cancer-feeder and by cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells.

Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. If you reverse the process than you become cured. See how this work? Find out which foods are acidic and avoid them. You should also test the water you drink with pH testing drops. ALL water is not good for you. Some are just as bad as soda. I recommend Evamor water, the pH level is between 8.4-9.0. Lastly, discover the pH of your body by using pH test strips. Try to keep your body pH above 8. Again, most doctors won't tell you this! You don't need a Doctorate to find natural cure remedies. It's just that simple.

I really want everyone to understand this is not just a short-term diet but a lifetime diet; its a lifestyle. With an alkaline diet were not prone to diseases, obesity, and can also achieve longevity. I don't know about you but this sounds like a major breakthrough. Realize that this will save you money from medical costs and it will also save your life!

This article is for people from all walks of life; not only people suffering from cancer. Start taking control of your life, don't let your life take control of you.

About the Author

For more info on Alkaline Diets CLICK HERE! Also, if you are looking for simple and delicious recipes check out ALKALINE COOKBOOK.

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